What We Do

The Northeast Neighborhood Association operates Chrystal's Place, named in honor of the organization's founding director. From this resource center located at 216 Chestnut Street, free food, clothing, diapers and household items are distributed to anyone in need.

Visitors do not need an appointment, but are required to bring photo ID for themselves as well as names and birthdates for all household members. Because NENA receives food through the state and federal food programs, recipients must complete a self-declaration of need form and are only permitted to receive food from NENA once a month. Individuals may also be referred to other organizations as needed or requested.

Photo credit Our York Media

Photo credit Our York Media

Some people who use NENA’s services choose to volunteer their time at the center. They and many others in the York Community make NENA’s ongoing work possible. Several agencies also refer individuals needing to complete community service requirements.

Another valuable service the Northeast Neighborhood Association provides is monthly food delivery to seniors and the disabled who live in nearby apartment buildings. Residents who desire this assistance should contact their building supervisor to discuss eligibility.

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NENA further serves the neighborhood by informing residents about city codes and ordinances and about how to contact city departments regarding needs, services, and complaints. NENA works with neighbors to keep the area clean and safe. 

Throughout the year and often in cooperation with other organizations, NENA offers classes or trainings on topics such as nutrition and managing finances.

NENA is the managing entity for a community garden located behind Chrystal’s Place. Residents interested in cultivating a plot can reserve one by calling 717-845-5641, or fill out our contact form.  Unreserved plots are cultivated to grow produce that is distributed through the food pantry.

The Northeast Neighborhood Association sponsors or participates with several community events each year, including an Easter Egg Hunt, National Night Out, an annual Block Party and a Breast Cancer Awareness Night. These events provide neighbors with opportunities to meet each other, enjoy food and entertainment, and speak with representatives from community groups.